International Society for Viruses of Microorganisms (ISVM)

ISVM aims to advance the science and use of viruses of microorganisms by supporting academic meetings, encouraging networking, and facilitating learning opportunities

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and grow your international network with us.

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and help us support the research into viruses of microorganisms.

Join our events

to meet fellow viruses of microbes enthusiasts.

Find your local ISVM

to further viruses of microbes research in your region.

History & Mission

What are viruses of microbes?

Viruses of microorganisms represent an enormous genetic diversity and include viruses infecting bacteria, archaea, and single-celled eukarya, like algae and protozoa. They influence the biology of every ecological niche on earth, including the oceans, and shape the gut microbiota.

Research on viruses of microbes continues to reveal ground-breaking discoveries of their biology and expand our understanding of their hosts. This often leads to new biotechnological tools and approaches. Bacterial viruses, commonly known as bacteriophages, are also used to develop novel antimicrobial solutions to treat infections and control the microbiota of humans, animals, and food.

Join us for the next Viruses of Microbes meeting

Call To Action


15th to 19th of July 2024


3rd to 7th of July 2023

VoM VII – Tbilisi, Georgia

18th to 22nd of July 2022

VoM VI – Guimarães, Portugal

9th to 13th of July 2018

VoM V – Wroclaw, Poland

18th to 22nd of July 2016

VoM IV – Liverpool, UK

14th to 18th of July 2014

VoM III – Zurich, Switzerland

16th to 12th of July 2012

VoM II – Belgium, Brussels

21st to 25th of July 2010

VoM I – Paris, France

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We are grateful for the invaluable support from ISVM sponsors


ISVM is a non-profit organization run for members by members, and officers for the Executive Board are elected every second year. Every member can run for a position on the board, with nominations occurring through a democratic election process among the society’s members. All officers serve on two-year terms, holding office until their successors are elected and qualified. For more details, see Society Charter.

The Executive Board includes the President, the President-elect, the Vice-President, the Membership Secretary, the Treasurer, the Information Officer, the Website Administrator, and one or two Members-At-Large. The Executive Board administers ISVM activities and supports Trustees’ policymaking.

Our activities include maintenance of the website and membership portal, newsletters, social media activities, and sponsorships to support the Viruses of Microbes conferences, the online iVoM talks and the establishment of national and regional branches of the Society of Viruses of Microorganisms.

Scientific advisory board